3 Pieces of Street Furniture to Consider for a Kid’s Park

Building a kid's park for your small community means taking on every aspect, including the outdoor or street furniture. You think of certain aspects, but there are other things you may not think of like the types of tables and waste bins that are being used. If you are on the planning committee for the street furniture to be used at the kid's park, here are three pieces you should consider.

Motion-Sensor Bins

If you want to keep the park as clean as possible, while remaining sanitary for the kid's in the park, then consider motion sensor bins. These bins help keep the trash from being exposed to the children or to the wind that can carry the trash out of the bin and back into the park. The motion sensor will allow a swinging door on the trash can to open and close when the person moves away from the sensory. This also helps contain odors from the trash during hotter months of the year.

Heat-Resistant Picnic Tables

One of the complaints that many families have, when visiting the park, is the heat from the tables and chairs. They may want to stay and have lunch, or sit and enjoy the park for longer, but traditional picnic tables and chairs absorb the heat causing it to be too hot to sit. You can solve this issue with heat resistant picnic tables and chairs. They are generally made of the same material as the park slides that offer the same heat resistance. They may become warm in the sun, but they will not become too hot to the touch.

Pet-Waste Bins

You may think of the comfort of the families and children in the park, but not of the pets. If you allow pets in your park, then you may way to consider pet waste bins. These can be purchased through many of the street furniture manufacturers. The bins are designed to hold disposable pet waste bags as well as have an area for disposal of the pet waste. These bins keeps the waste separate from normal park waste, keeping the area cleaner and more suitable for families.

These three options will help upgrade your kid's park and give them a safe place to sit and relax. If you have other ideas in mind, contact your local street furniture manufacturer. They can help you with design options and with special orders. They can also answer pricing questions you may have, especially if you are trying to stay on a budget.
